Sigma Phi Epsilon Oregon Alpha at Oregon State University has prided itself with building balanced men for over 100 years. With a 3.43 GPA we consistently rank above the all university average, and provide our brothers with the tools and resources to succeed academically. We house all walks of life in regards to majors having members who are studying Business, Economics, Engineering, Turf Management, Kinesiology, Bio-Health Sciences, Computer Science, Forestry and many more. From the past 15 years, we have received the Kerr Cup from Oregon State University 14 times demonstrating our high prowess on campus. Nationally, Oregon Alpha is the most recognized chapter within the Sigma Phi Epsilon chapters in regards to the number of Buchannon Cups the Oregon Alpha has received. Buchannon Cups are awarded to the top 10% and top 5% of all Sigma Phi Epsilon Chapters.